Megjelent az iOS 9.1!
Nem kevesebb mint 5 béta verzió után az Apple kiadta az iOS 9-es legújabb verzióját, a 9.1-et. A motorháztető alatt sok apróságot javítottak, amivel azonban mi is találkozhatunk, az például az átrendezett emojik, a frissített billentyűzet, illetve az új háttérképek.
Az iOS mellett kaptunk további szoftver újdonságokat is, lásd: watchOS 2.0.1, OS X 10.11.1, illetve a tvOS GM verziója.
Változások hivatalos listája:
- Live Photos now intelligently senses when you raise or lower your iPhone, so that Live Photos will automatically not record those movements
- Over 150 new emoji characters with full support for Unicode 7.0 and 8.0 emojis
- Improved stability including CarPlay, Music, Photos, Safari, and Search
- Improved performance while in Multitasking UI
- Fixes an issue that could cause Calendar to become unresponsive in Month view
- Fixes an issue that prevented Game Center from launching for some users
- Resolves an issue that zoomed content of some apps
- Resolves an issue that could cause an incorrect unread mail count for POP mail accounts
- Fixes an issue that prevented users from removing recent contacts from new mail or messages
- Fixes an issue that caused some messages to not appear in Mail search results
- Resolves an issue that left a gray bar in the body of an Audio Message
- Fixes an issue that caused activation errors on some carriers
- Fixes an issue that prevented some apps from updating from the App Store