Bloo – Native Facebook alkalmazás
A Bloo egy natív, a népszerű közösségi oldalhoz a Facebookhoz készült Androidos alkalmazás.A Bloo segítségével akár a Facebook-os galériánkba is tölthetünk fel új képeket.
Fontos előkészületek:
Az 1.3.5a legújabb, részletes tulajdonságai:
- Notifications for wall posts, comments and likes go to the corresponding post (Your older notifications will be removed as they do not contain the information required)
- Posts for other popular mobile apps now show up on the feed. This includes iPhone, Mobile Texts, BlackBerry, other Android apps.
- Marquee based title bar for the home screen, it will now slide if your status update is longer than the screen.
- Validation rules for all forms and auto correct is now enabled, try posting an empty status update
- Updating your status goes through the normal Facebook status API, this means that other apps can now post comments to your posts.
- Ability to clear status.
- Various UI tweaks and optimizations.
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